Fundraise for free.

Charity recycling service + you a partnership in recycling, sustainability, education and fundraising.

Fundraising made simple

Easy fundraising
24h monitoring
Professional & courteous team members
We do the work
Propietary technology
Safety first

Think Green Save money

Being eco-friendly today is becoming more and more important. And it goes far beyond just turning off the light when you’re out of home or separating your garbage for recycling. It’s your lifestyle!


Green Business
Leader of the Year 2019

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Green Business Leader Program recognizes and promotes businesses that volunteer to operate in a more environmentally responsible manner through sustainable actions. Businesses receive many benefits to be a part of the program.

Recognition for the clothing recycling and fundraising program in conjunction with Gwinnett County Schools since 2016

Gwinnett County Schools since 2016

Business parntner of education for 2020

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Business-Education Partnership Awards recognize best practices and provide examples for schools and businesses to aid in the development and maintenance of partnerships that support high-quality CTE. Such quality partnerships align with ACTE’s goal of connecting education and careers and will ultimately lead to improved career readiness and thus a stronger workforce.

Charity Recycling Service was recognized for its work with the Foundation for Orange Country Public Schools as their Business Partner in Education for 2020. They were chosen to represent OCPS and receive the Florida Department of Education Commissioners Business Recognition Award

4 Easy step to join!

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Choose the perfect location for your bin

Bin is placed within 15 business days.

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Our recycled clothing is sold to second hand markets, domestic and international, creating thousands of jobs.